All too often leaders underestimate the impact of alignment at the top and the damage caused by small gaps among members of the executive team.” –Patrick Lencioni

The Problem: Leading without alignment & clarity creates confusion. New leaders do not have the same history and perspective as long-time leaders. Leaders in operational areas have different perspective than administrative leaders. Volunteers and staff hear different messages, creating confusion. Lack of alignment saps energy and resources.
5 Questions: Alignment and clarity begins with answers to 5 simple questions.
Why do we exist?
Who is our customer?
What does our customer value?
How do we measure results, not just outputs?
What is our plan?
The Result: The leadership team gains clarity while alignment begins to develop. This is the start of building a cohesive leadership team. When leaders are aligned, a healthy organization emerges.
Leaders begin communicating with one-voice. Volunteers, staff, partners, and donors, together, hear one message, one vision and begin to understand why we do what we do. Clarity emerges and resources are focuses on transforming lives.
Talk with Wes Legg about how your team can build alignment.
