In addition to being the Chief Reminder Officer ...
Leaders lead
Leaders listen
Leaders invite
Leaders coach
Leaders prune
Leaders simplify
Leaders delegate
Leaders encourage
Leaders align team
Leaders create clarity
Leaders know their limits
Leaders remove obstacles
Leaders take responsibility
Leaders know when to say no
Leaders cast vision & mission
Leaders build a healthy culture
Leaders unlock greatness in others
Leaders set priorities with deadlines
Leaders focus resources and grow mission impact
Leaders possess humility, empathy and mindfulness
What hats do you wear every day?
What hats fit others in the organization?
What hats need to be filled?
... and what else.
What leadership hats have I overlooked?
As your organization grows, build your leadership team with leaders that complement your leadership style.
Download Leaders Wear Many Hats 8-1/2" x 11" PDF
Wes Legg
